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Reception of Supreme Master Ching Hai

Ljubljana, 05/31/2007  |  press release

Click to enlargeThe President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Janez Drnovšek, today received the Supreme Master Ching Hai who presented to him the "Shining World Leadership Award". This award was presented in recognition of outstanding effort and enlightened leadership in creating a bright future for the world and all humanity, with compliments and gratitude for exemplary kindness.

In explaining the motivation for this award to the President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, the Supreme Master Ching Hai on behalf of the homonymous association stated as follows:

Click to enlarge"Your active promotion of vegetarianism, animal rights and humanitarian rights presents a noble example to governments throughout the world. Through your wisdom, you urge other political leaders to embrace a more compassionate way of addressing the world's problems and to think beyond their respective country's economic interests. In particular, you began a global initiative to relieve the suffering of refugees in Darfur, Sudan, by visiting with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other world leaders.

For sharing your insights and encouraging compassion in world leaders; for promoting the noble ideas of vegetarianism, animal welfare and human rights; for representing an honourable example for all nations, we hereby applaud and celebrate the great virtue and deeds of Dr. Janez Drnovšek, President of the Republic of Slovenia."

Click to enlargeAt the end of the meeting, the President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, expressed his thanks to the Supreme Master Ching Hai for the award and her visit to Slovenia.
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