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President Türk receives representatives of Slovenian organisations in the Raba Region

Ljubljana, 17.1.2012  |  press release

President Türk organises talks with representatives of the Slovenian minority in the Raba Region (photo: Stanko Gruden/STA)The President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, has received the President of the Union of Slovenians in Hungary, Jože Hirnök, the President of the National Slovenian Self Government in Hungary, Martin Ropoš, and the Director of the Slovenska Krajina Development Agency, Andrea Kovács. They discussed the position of the Slovenian minority in Hungary in light of the recently amended Hungarian constitution.

In a statement to the media, President Türk assessed that the position of Slovenians in Hungary was still not as it should be. However, he highlighted the progress made in certain areas, underlining, in particular, increased activity on the part of Slovenian organisations in the Raba Region, and in relation to European projects. The Slovenian minority is becoming an increasingly recognisable and respected factor in education, culture and the media.

President Türk organises talks with representatives of the Slovenian minority in the Raba Region (photo: Stanko Gruden/STA)As regards the new legal order, President Türk referred to several positive changes, including the financing of radio programmes and taking the school system to the national level. In this respect, Slovenia expects Slovenian schools in Hungary to be preserved and their quality to be improved. He also mentioned the prospects of the eventual commencement of the construction of the Verica–Gornji Senik road, a project that would significantly improve communications within this area.

They all highlighted the importance of the further development of Slovenians in Hungary, deepening friendships along the border and strengthening the good relations that exist between the two countries. They stressed that problems should be resolved, not just swept under the carpet, agreeing that the position of the Slovenian minority in Hungary would be improved only by carrying out good projects.

President Türk agreed to visit the Raba Region in spring at the invitation of Slovenian organisations in the Raba Region to discuss in more detail the projects regarding the position of the Slovenian minority in Hungary. The talks were also attended by the State Secretary at the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, Dr Boris Jesih, and the Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in Szentgotthárd, Dušan Snoj.
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