Predsednik republike na Vrhu ZN o preoblikovanju izobraževanja
New York, 19. 9. 2022 | sporočila za javnost, govori
Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor je danes z video nagovorom nastopil na Vrhu o preoblikovanju izobraževanja v okviru 77. zasedanja Generalne skupščine Organizacije združenih narodov (OZN) v New Yorku.
Uvodna nagovora na vrhu sta med drugimi imela António Guterres, generalni sekretar ZN in Audrey Azoulay, generalna direktorica UNESCO.
Besedilo nagovora predsednika Republike Slovenije Boruta Pahorja na Vrhu o preoblikovanju izobraževanja (Transforming Education Summit 2022), (virtualno):
Mr Secretary General,
I welcome the decision to organise the “Transforming Education Summit”.
I see it as a unique opportunity to recognize the full importance of education.
Education must always be a space for promoting social justice, solidarity, respect for diversity and human rights.
It must prepare children and students of all generations to become active and responsible citizens in their communities, countries and at global level.
Right to education is a human right. The COVID 19 pandemic dramatically exposed the vulnerability of many societies in implementing this right.
The pandemic also exposed inequalities in our education systems, and demonstrated the need to invest more in the social and emotional skills of children.
Now we are faced with security, food, climate and energy uncertainties. We should do our utmost to prevent these challenges to further weaken our education systems.
I fully subscribe to the notion of the essential tasks of education in the 21st century, which is: Learning to coexist, to develop values and our capacities to live in peace with ourselves, with each other and with nature.
Slovenia is a committed partner in achieving this - from the development of open learning resources to the use of artificial intelligence solutions for education. Our education system focuses on renewing education for sustainable development.
On global level, we should all commit to reach out and cooperate more closely. I wish a successful Transforming Education Summit.